Hello ๐Ÿ‘‹
I am Satya Sai.

I'm an Engineer and Designer.


Turning caffeine into code and ideas into products. I tackle UI/UX design, hardware development, web development and every engineering and design challenge in between with research. From wild concepts to polished creations, I make it all happen. Let's turn visions into reality and have some fun along the way!

If you want to contact me mail me at

Position at Work

In my career journey, I have held positions as a researcher focusing on UI/UX design and also delved into the intricate realm of hardware and web development, honing my skills and insights in both domains.



In my career journey, I've held positions as a researcher focusing on UI/UX design and also delved into the intricate realm of hardware security, honing my skills and insights in both domains.



I specialize in a diverse range of development realms, from full-stack web development to crafting interactive experiences with Framer, and even delving into the intricacies of embedded systems and IoT development.



In my role as a mentor within our club, I've had the privilege of guiding and supporting junior members in various areas, including web development, UI/UX design, and hardware security, fostering their growth and helping them navigate the intricacies of these fields.



With a diverse background in UI/UX design, full-stack web development, embedded systems, IoT, and graphic design, I've mentored junior colleagues in these areas. My passion lies in creating user-centric solutions that marry technical excellence with aesthetic appeal.



As a UI/UX Consultant, I leverage my expertise to offer strategic guidance and solutions tailored to enhance user experiences across various platforms and applications.

My Works


Andhra Pradesh Solar Power Corporation

Designed and Developed the official website of Andhra Pradesh Solar Power Corporation (A Govt. of Andhra Pradesh Body)

Open site
APSPCL screenshot

Chaya UI (Open Source)

Traboda PVT LTD

Contributed in design and development of the ChayaUi- Modern, Functional Design System & Component Library for React

Learn More
Chaya UI (Open Source) screenshot

TailUs UI (Soon to be Open Source)

My own creation

Made a figma ui kit based on TailwindCss which increases the productivity by 21%

Learn More
TailUs UI (Soon to be Open Source) screenshot
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I love Art

Art has always been a profound part of my life. It is my way of expressing emotions and capturing moments that words often fail to convey. Whether through drawing, painting, or digital art, creating is both a passion and a sanctuary for me. I cherish every opportunity to explore and express my love for art. Here are few scribbles by me.

" Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."

Pablo Picasso

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